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Some of the data collected by this provider is for the purposes of personalization and measuring advertising effectiveness.
Some of the data collected by this provider is for the purposes of personalization and measuring advertising effectiveness.
You can use Tebis to program all bores – including centering, countersinking, reaming, thread cutting, thread milling and milling fittings – right at your CAM workstation instead of on the control. Separate control cycles can also be represented in the software.
You can generate standardized NC programs using templates and Tebis feature technology: a perfect introduction to automated manufacturing. Features are geometry templates for standardized manufacturing objects like bores, fittings, planar surfaces and pockets that are linked to an appropriate manufacturing sequence. You can also easily transfer the features from other design systems via direct interfaces. As an alternative, the geometries for CNC drilling can be programmed without automation using individual functions. Protected surfaces are considered for the shortest possible traverse paths.
Another advantage: You can simply import 2D geometries into Tebis based on drawings.
The functions for mill drilling are precisely matched to all bore types and circular pockets. Drilling and mill drilling operations are easily combined: For example, you can quickly predrill and then machine the remaining material by milling. These geometries can be machined on spiral or helical paths for longer tool life.